Hello everyone,

Here is a small picture of my project.
I'd like to fetch several datas from a website representing races results. Each 
line of the result contains rank, runner's name and other attributes of the 
runner (like club etc...).
For now I have created 2 classes (Race and Runner).
Methods of Race allow me to fetch datas on the www thanks to beautifulsoup 
module.I instanciate a race at the beginning of the scan and for each line I 
instanciate a Runner.
I want to store all those information in a database (for both Race and Runner), 
but here is the point, I have the feeling, on a programming elegance point of 
view, that I have to separate methods that fetch from method that store and 
also have a kind of superior object that controls those 2 features.
Moreover fetching will interact with storage: if race is already in database, 
no need to fetch again.
How should I "design" this? Should I have only (despite my first impression) 
one class and all the methods in it? Should I create a parent class along with 
2 childrens that manage the two kind of methods?
Is there a design pattern for this?

I precise I am relatively new in "intelligent" python programming ;)


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