Version 0.1.5 of Sarge, a cross-platform library which wraps the 
subprocessmodule in the standard library, has been released.
What changed?-------------
- Fixed #37: Instead of an OSError with a "no such file or directory" message,  
a ValueError is raised with a more informative "Command not found" message.
- Fixed #38: Replaced ``async`` keyword argument with ``async_``, as ``async``  
has become a keyword in Python 3.7.
- Fixed #39: Updated tutorial example on progress monitoring.
What does Sarge do?-------------------
Sarge tries to make interfacing with external programs from yourPython 
applications easier than just using subprocess alone.
Sarge offers the following features:
* A simple way to run command lines which allows a rich subset of Bash-style 
shell command syntax, but parsed and run by sarge so that youcan run on Windows 
without cygwin (subject to having those commandsavailable):
>>> from sarge import capture_stdout>>> p = capture_stdout('echo foo | cat; 
>>> echo bar')>>> for line in p.stdout: print(repr(line))...'foo\n''bar\n'
* The ability to format shell commands with placeholders, such thatvariables 
are quoted to prevent shell injection attacks.
* The ability to capture output streams without requiring you toprogram your 
own threads. You just use a Capture object and then youcan read from it as and 
when you want.
* The ability to look for patterns in captured output and to 
interactaccordingly with the child process.
Advantages over subprocess---------------------------
Sarge offers the following benefits compared to using subprocess:
* The API is very simple.
* It's easier to use command pipelines - using subprocess out of thebox often 
leads to deadlocks because pipe buffers get filled up.
* It would be nice to use Bash-style pipe syntax on Windows, butWindows shells 
don't support some of the syntax which is useful, like&&, ||, |& and so on. 
Sarge gives you that functionality on Windows,without cygwin.
* Sometimes, subprocess.Popen.communicate() is not flexible enough forone's 
needs - for example, when one needs to process output a line ata time without 
buffering the entire output in memory.
* It's desirable to avoid shell injection problems by having theability to 
quote command arguments safely.
* subprocess allows you to let stderr be the same as stdout, but notthe other 
way around - and sometimes, you need to do that.
Python version and platform 
Sarge is intended to be used on any Python version >= 2.6 and istested on 
Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 on Linux,Windows, and Mac 
OS X (not all versions are tested on all platforms,but sarge is expected to 
work correctly on all these versions on allthese platforms).
Finding out more----------------
You can read the documentation at
There's a lot more information, with examples, than I can put intothis post.
You can install Sarge using "pip install sarge" to try it out. Theproject is 
hosted on BitBucket at
And you can leave feedback on the issue tracker there.
I hope you find Sarge useful!
Vinay Sajip

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