On 25/06/2018 01:52, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 21:21:57 +0100, Bart wrote:

I've had half a dozen users

Come back when you've had *half a million users* then we'll take your
experiences seriously.

That being the case with Python (maybe even ten times as many), why would anybody here care what I say about it?

So it doesn't a matter at all that you can do:

   math.pi = "Hmm, Pie!"

because there are so many users who don't care.

(Actually I can't remember how many users I had. The language was freely available as part of an application of which we sold thousands, and was actually used to help its implementation.

There might have been a dozen people who used it to write add-on products as well as others who tinkered with it. But it was not then a stand-alone language; it was part of a 3D graphics app.)



For a language which does everything wrong, it must be doing something

Well, you certainly you get your money's worth in terms of features and add-ons.


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