>     bin = {}
>     for start, end, AS, full in heard:
>        week = int((start-startDate)/aWeek)
>        counters = bin.setdefault(week, [0, 0])
>        if full:
>           counters[0] += 1
>        else:
>           counters[1] += 1

yes!  thanks!

> Using an idea you used earlier, you could get smaller code by saying:
>     for start, end, AS, full in heard:
>        week = int((start-startDate)/aWeek)
>        counters = bin.setdefault(week, [0, 0])
>        counters[not full] += 1
> Or
>     for start, end, AS, full in heard:
>        week = int((start-startDate)/aWeek)
>        bin.setdefault(week, [0, 0])[not full] += 1
> Or even
>     for start, end, AS, full in heard:
>       bin.setdefault(int((start-startDate)/aWeek), [0, 0])[not full] += 1

as you say, too clever.

> Using lists to represent structs is perfectly fine if the list doesn't 
> live longer than about one screen of code.

i can definitely see that.  in last weeks installment, i buried a
complex trinary tree in a class.

thanks for the advice!



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