I've a dataframe all_paths with say 9000 rows, and i've another dataframe Legs 
with 4000 rows. I need to filter all_paths dataframe based on a column called 
'itineraries' which contains a list of strings, for each row in Legs. So, 
basically its like getting a dataframe that is subset of all_paths for each row 
in Legs. Then I need to perform a math operation on the columns of each subset 
and assign the values back to another column in all_paths. Following is my 

def step1_vec(iti_list, idx):
  mask= all_paths.loc[all_paths['Path'].isin(iti_list)]
  Legs.loc[idx,'r']=np.dot(mask['demand'].values, mask['u'].values.T)
  Legs.loc[idx, 't']= Legs.loc[idx, 'k']/Legs.loc[idx, 'r']

def step2():
  not_full_legs=Legs.loc[(~Legs['Leg ID'].isin(full_legs))&(Legs['t']<1)]

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