On 07/09/2018 10:14 AM, 卢 嘉幸 wrote:


I am a beginner with Python.
My computer is of Windows version.
And I dowloaded the lastest version of python on the https://www.python.org/ .
My book, Automate the Boring Stuff With Python, teaches me to install a 
third-party module with the command line: pip install send2trash (for example).
But there comes the error message !!!

What is going wrong?
It makes no sense since my Python is 3.6.5 version.
I doubt that my poor Python doesn’t have a pip.

Does the following work for you?

py -3 -m pip install send2trash

work for you? If so, you can either continue to run pip like this (it is a good way) or you'll have to make pip.exe discoverable from your PATH as suggested by Abdur-Rahmaan.



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