Op 2005-08-30, Terry Reedy schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Paul Rubin" <"http://phr.cx"@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote in message 
>> Really it's x[-1]'s behavior that should go, not find/rfind.
> I complete disagree, x[-1] as an abbreviation of x[len(x)-1] is extremely 
> useful, especially when 'x' is an expression instead of a name.

I don't think the ability to easily index sequences from the right is
in dispute. Just the fact that negative numbers on their own provide
this functionality.

Because I sometimes find it usefull to have a sequence start and
end at arbitrary indexes, I have written a table class. So I
can have a table that is indexed from e.g. -4 to +6. So how am
I supposed to easily get at that last value?

Antoon Pardon

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