"Sharan Basappa" wrote in message news:8e261f75-03f7-4f80-a516-8318dd138...@googlegroups.com...

I am using a third party module that is returning list of lists.
I am using the example below to illustrate.

1 results = [['1', 0.99921393753233001]]
2 k = results[0]
3 print k[0]
4 print k[1]

Assume the line 1 is what is returned.
I am assigning that to another list (k on line 2) and then accessing the 1st and 2nd element in the list (line 3 and 4).

How can I access elements of 1 and 0.99 without assigning it to another list?

As you say, results is a list of lists.

results[0] returns the first inner list. There could potentially be more than one, in which case results[1] would return the second one. Use len(results) to find out how many inner lists there are.

results[0][0] returns the first element of the first inner list.

results[0][1] returns the second element of the first inner list.


Frank Millman


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