On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 10:57:35 AM UTC-6, Νίκος Βέργος wrote:
> Flask app.py
> ==================
> @app.route( '/' )
> @app.route( '/<page>' )
> def index( page ):
> # use the variable form template for displaying
> counter = '''<center>
>               <table bgcolor=black bordercolor=orangered>
>               td><font size=3 color=lime> Αριθμός Επισκεπτών: </font></td>
> <td><a href="{{ url_for( '/log', page='%s' ) }}"><font size=3 color=plum> %d 
> </font></a></td>
>                               </table>
>                       ''' % (page, pagehit)
> if page != 'index.html':
>     pdata = redirect( 'http://superhost.gr/cgi-bin/' + page )
>     return pdata
> Template ndex.html
> ==================
> <div align=right>
>       <a href="{{ url_for( '/', page='some_value' ) }}">      <img 
> src="/static/images/π.gif"> </a>
> </div>
> <a href="{{ url_for( '/', page='another_value' ) }}"> <img 
> src="/static/images/download.gif"></a>
> 1. All i want ro do is when the user clicks on the images within the html 
> tamplate, to pass those variables value to '/' route so to perfrom then asome 
> action with those values
> The error iam receiving is this:
> ===============================
> builtins.TypeError
> TypeError: index() missing 1 required positional argument: 'page'
> I mean i do have <page> declared in route and also do  have 'page' as 
> variable to the callback fucntion, why cant it see it?
> 2. Also about the redirect funtion iam using... is there a way to get back 
> the HTML response of running that cgi-scrit and then add another HTML value 
> to that response? I used subprocess and Response but they weren able to 
> deliver the content back the pdata variable for display.
> What i actually want to do among other things is from within my flask app 
> script to try to run and get theresponse back of a cgi-script

I haven't looked at your problem in detail (I seldom read this group
anymore) but I think you want something like:

  def index( page='myhomepage' ):

If the function gets called via the "/" url, there will be no 'page'
argument so you need to write the function signature to make that 
argument optional.

No idea about question #2.


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