On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 05:15:34 GMT, Bryan Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Mike Meyer wrote:
> > Bryan Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> > Bryan Olson writes:
> >> > Trivially, an 'if' statement that depends upon input
> >> >>data is statically predictable. Use of async I/O means makes the
> >> >>programs execution dependent upon external timing.
> >>Mike Meyer wrote:
> >> > [...] I'm calling the tools available in most programming
> >> > languages for dealing with it primitive.
> >> > We need better tools.
> >>Agreed, but if 'select' is someone's idea of the state of the
> >>art, they have little clue as to the tools already available.
> >
> > Well, share!
>Uh, where have you been? I keep explaining that concurrency
>systems have improved vastly in recent years. For a long time,
>the most sophisticated software services generally have used
>multiple lines of execution, and now that's mostly in the form
>of threads. No one actually disagrees, but they go right on
>knocking the modern methods.

I think Mike is asking for references/citations/links to the
"concurrency systems" and "modern methods" you are talking about ;-)
(I'd be interested too ;-)

Bengt Richter

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