On 10/09/18 14:40, Max Zettlmeißl via Python-list wrote:
On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 6:03 PM, Thomas Jollans <t...@tjol.eu> wrote:
https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html#glob.escape demonstrates a way
of escaping that works:

glob('./Testfile [[]comment]*')

That is about the least correct working solution one could conceive.
Of course your suggested "glob('./Testfile [[]comment]*')" works in
the positive case, but pretty much comes down to a glob('./Testfile
And in the negative case it would provide many false positives. (e.g.
"Testfile [falacy]", "Testfile monty", "Testfile ]not quite" and so
Even if you wanted to use that strange character class, which is not a
good idea (as explained above), using "[[]coment]" would be better,
since there is no reason to repeat a character.

>>> from glob import glob
>>> glob('test *')
['test comment', 'test [co]mment', 'test [fallacy]', 'test [comments]', 'test [comment] a']
>>> glob('test [[]*')
['test [co]mment', 'test [fallacy]', 'test [comments]', 'test [comment] a']
>>> glob('test [[]c*')
['test [co]mment', 'test [comments]', 'test [comment] a']
>>> glob('test [[]comment]*')
['test [comment] a']

I'm escaping the '[' as '[[]'. You can escape the ']' as well if you want, but there's no need as a ']' is not special unless it's preceded by an unescaped '['.

To match the character class I think you thought my glob was matching, you'd have to use '[][comment]' rather than '[[]comment]'.

-- Thomas


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