On 02Oct2018 06:04, zljubi...@gmail.com <zljubi...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have to execute the same sql in two different programs.
Each of them marks parameters differently.

Then you are MUCH better off assembling the SQL using come kind of query constructor, which correctly inserts parameter placeholders is the correct dialogue.

Anyway, I have found the solution.
cnv_sel = re.sub(r"(:(.+?)\b)", r"${\2}", sel)

That is a recipe for making unsafe SQL. It does not honour quotes. It does not ensure parameter names are identifiers (which may be vital).

Please look into a library for constructing SQL. My favourite general purpose one is SQLAlchemy, which lets you write very nice Python expressions which get turned safely into dialect specific SQL.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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