Hello Russell,

On 03/10/2018 15:44, Russell Owen wrote:
> Using asyncio I am looking for a simple way to await multiple events where 
> notification comes over the same socket (or other serial stream) in arbitrary 
> order. For example, suppose I am communicating with a remote device that can 
> run different commands simultaneously and I don't know which command will 
> finish first. I want to do this:
> coro1 = start(command1)
> coro2 = start(command2)
> asyncio.gather(coro1, coro2)
> where either command may finish first. I’m hoping for a simple and 
> idiomatic way to read the socket and tell each coroutine it is done. So far 
> everything I have come up with is ugly, using multiple layers of "async 
> def”, keeping a record of Tasks that are waiting and calling "set_result" 
> on those Tasks when finished. Also Task isn’t even documented to have the 
> set_result method (though "future" is)
I don't really get what you want to achieve. Do you want to signal other
coroutines that one of the others finished ?

From what I understand, you want to have several coroutines reading on
the same socket "simultaneously", and you want to stop all of them once
one of them is finished. Am I getting it right ?


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