Need more info than that. For a problem as unusual as that, it'll take a
lot of scrutiny to find the problem.
Dump as much info as you can about your system environment and your
existing installations and upload them to  (secure
and private text host).
Include relevant screenshots via and add to a private album (for
access by link only).
Windows eventually needs reinstalling, even in 2018. Sad really.

On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 1:12 PM Daan Kahmann <>

> Op woensdag 10 oktober 2018 19:20:42 UTC+2 schreef Terry Reedy:
> > On 10/10/2018 9:53 AM, wrote:
> >
> > > I have an annoying problem, I can download Python (from
> but it won't install on my laptop. If I try to open the installer, it
> closes again. I also don't get a error message. I'm using windows 10. I
> already tried most of the obvious things like restarting, deleting the
> program and downloading it again and I tried windows problem solver from
> But nothing seems to work. Does anyone know how I might be
> able to fix this?
> >
> > Which exact binary?  Have you tried other versions?  Have you installed
> > Python before?
> >
> > --
> > Terry Jan Reedy
> version 3.7.0, I have tried installing other versions but I get the same
> problem. I have not installed Python on this laptop before.
> Daan Kahmann
> --


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Ryan Everett Johnson

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