Den 2018-11-19 skrev Peter Otten <>:
> Martin Schöön wrote:
>> My pandas is up to date.
> The engine="python" produces an exception over here:
> """
> ValueError: The 'decimal' option is not supported with the 'python' engine
> """
> Maybe you can try and omit that option?

No, I don't remember why I added that engine thing. It was two days ago!

> If that doesn't work you can specify a converter:
>>>> pd.read_csv("file.csv", sep="\t", converters={0: lambda s: 
> float(s.replace(",", "."))})
>            col1  col2
> 0  1.100000e+00     0
> 1  1.024000e-04     1
> 2  9.492000e-10     2
> [3 rows x 2 columns]
I save that one for later. One never nows...


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