"Malcolm Greene" wrote in message news:1546723194.1501226.1626474960.7ac72...@webmail.messagingengine.com...

I noticed that there's a rather big gap between the latest version of
SQLite and the version of SQLite that ships with Python 3.6/3.7.
Is there best practice advice for upgrading the SQLlite C library that
ships with Python ... without causing havoc and mayhem on my system?
Don't do it - the universe will split
Do it - just replace the DLL/SO library in your Python
installation's folderDo it - but rename the updated version so as not to overwrite the default SQLlite library?Do it - using some type of virtual environment magic so your change is
truly isolated Other?

Are there OS specific issues to be concerned with or is there a general
pattern here? I work across Windows, Linux, and macOS.

I have done this a few times on Windows.

I download the latest zip file from www.sqlite.org/download, unpack it, and replace the dll in the Python DLLs folder. I do back up the existing one first, just in case, but I have never had a problem.

I also download the 'tools' zip file, which contains sqlite3.exe, a command-line program for executing sql statements. I actually had a problem once when things that worked with sqlite3.exe did not work when I ran the same command from python. I eventually realised that the two underlying versions of sqlite3 were different, so now I make sure I always keep them in sync.

I can't comment about Linux or macOS, sorry.

Frank Millman


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