dcs3spp via Python-list <python-list@python.org> writes:
> On Friday, 18 January 2019 07:39:00 UTC, dieter  wrote:
> ...
> My situation is similar to the following....
> Assume the following two privately developed projects that I have written, 
> each with their own setup.py:
> 1. parent exists in folder $HOME/project/
> 2. child exists in folder $HOME/a_different_project/
> *child could be also be used by other projects in the future....
> parent has a dependency requirement on child and so child is listed as an 
> install dependency in parent setup.py
> if I try python setup.py develop from parent project it fails to find child 
> dependency on build. 

Do you tell me to have a cyclic dependency structure?

If not, first install "child" in your virtualenv (by whatever
means, maybe "python setup.py develop"), then "parent".


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