On 1/27/19, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jan 2019 15:06:10 +0000, Sarah P <spad...@hotmail.com> declaimed
> the following:
> C:\Users\Wulfraed>dir %userprofile%\appdata

Avoid hard coding default paths. The roaming and local application
data directories are relocatable. It's even less typing to use the
proper variable, e.g. "%localappdata%" vs

Also, if you can remember this in CMD, you can just as easily type it
in Explorer's location bar, which supports environment variables.
Explorer even has a "shell:" protocol that's more reliable than
environment variables, e.g. "shell:Local AppData" and

environment variables

shell: folders

more shell: folders

Side Note

Thanks to Steve Dower, there's now a Microsoft Store app for Python
3.7 [1]. Feedback would be appreciated if you have a supported system
(Windows 10 1809+, build 10.0.17763+). Notably, 3.7.2 has a new venv
launcher for Windows. The launcher is named "python.exe" in the
environment's "Scripts" directory, but it's not a copy of or symlink
to the installed "python.exe". It works around the limited access of
store apps by directly running the installed Python with a
__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ environment variable. This needs more testing. A
significant bug has already been addressed for multiprocessing.

[1]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/python-37/9nj46sx7x90p

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