A rule of thumb to keep your sanity and maybe your job is to never touch a 
production system in any way.
Use a copy of that db and do all your research there. 

> On Feb 20, 2019, at 10:56 AM, edmer2...@gmail.com wrote:
> So I'm a newbie to Python. I got access to an existing RavenDB and am 
> supposed to install it on aws.amazon.com. If I succeed in setting this up, I 
> am supposed to write some Python code.
> But how can I play with Python and test some querries without f#cking up the 
> database? Because the RavenDB is working with an app that's currently being 
> used by a few hundreds of people.
> Should I ask for a copy of the RavenDB database and test it locally on my PC 
> with PyCharm, for example?
> Thanks for any suggestions on how to setup a safe working environment for an 
> app that's already in use, so a beginner can play, learn and grow without 
> damaging something :-)
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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