Den torsdag 14 mars 2019 kl. 06:09:02 UTC+1 skrev Rick Johnson:
> wrote:
> > Nah i can't see the error is due to the "If clause" branching possibly it 
> > should been an elseif at instead of separate if. No there is something 
> > going wrong with the variables.
> Well, then you'd be wise to unpack those variables and inspect them.

I've done that there is nothing wrong with them the error comes when writing 
out to the canvas, and i rounded them so it is integer pixels. To be honest i 
think there maybe something with the canvas that goes wrong. A block of fixed 
length can't expand. I run console.logg()  barLength=xFrontStart-xBackEnd and 
it is constant at every call within if clause.  It is just that when canvas 
write out the values apparently the draw rectangle function somehow hold other 

Well i restart the whole render programming, doing it right from start this 
time reading values from the record buffer and see if the animation problem 
magically dissapear. It could be something undefined affect the the variables.

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