
On 3/04/19 8:06 AM, Skip Montanaro wrote:
I posed this yesterday on the PyFilesystem discussion Google Group but
it's so far not even garnered a single view, so perhaps that group is
defunct. I turn to the knowledgeable folks here:

I am copying files from one filesystem instance to another. I see no
(easy) way to tell fs.copy.copy_fs to preserve file permissions when
copying files (the equivalent of the cp(1)'s -p flag). So, accessed,
created, modified times, as well as permissions. It seems I need to
craft a dictionary with only marginally documented structure, which I
can then pass to the destination filesystem's setinfo method,
something like this:

     dst_fs.setinfo(dst_path, <details_dict>)

I suspect I will figure this out (painfully), but if someone has some
hints, they'd be appreciated.

Is there an (unstated) reason why you're using Python and not a system tool such as rsync?

Regards =dn

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