Hello group. I started learning Python about a week ago. I have a few years of 
experience with other languages, mostly Pascal and C#, and I've always 
programmed for desktop, so I'm a bit clueless when it comes to web programming.

So I was able to pull off my first working app with Python using APIs YAY!!! It 
feels so great, like I control the whole internet LOL 
What my little program does is it uses Shopify API to get the orders, then 
using a lookup table that I have on disk in a .csv file it calls a webhook on 
another platform called Kajabi where the user gets added and activated, where 
he will be watching the live videos he purchased at the Shopify website.

What I want to do now is to automate it completely, I don't want to have to run 
my script, I want the Kajabi product be activated for that user as soon as he 
checks out on Shopify and there's a new order, and I want this not to depend on 
my computer.
How do you do this? Where do I start?

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