> Now, what happens when the code is tested with various (different) sets 
> of test-data?
> (remember the last question from my previous msg!?)
It fails on any list entry that isn't a float or an int, giving a TypeError.

> Once you are happy with the various test-runs, do you have any ideas for 
> making the code more efficient?
> -- 
> Regards =dn

Efficient No, but resistant to error I can buy using try except to pass through 

def max_try(listarg):
    myMax = listarg[0]
        for item in listarg:
            if item > myMax:
                myMax = item
    except TypeError:
        print(f'Only numbers are supported, this entry "{item}" was not')

    return myMax


PS Since I am going through the list fully the only optimisation I can think of 
a generator to feed it seems sort of redundant. Unless of course it was a list 
of 10,000 numbers then maybe its useful. 

Maybe a generator with a condition that if list length is greater than 500 to 
chunk it into 250 lengths. 

But then If we go along this path then you could say if every other task in an 
application waited on it could be very important so then async await might be 
an option.



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