On 5/14/2019 1:22 PM, Chip Towner wrote:
I am trying to use tkinter and when I attempt to do so Python crashes.  I am 
accessing Python (v 3.6.8) in Spyder (v3.6) from Anaconda.  The version of 
TkVersion tells me the version is 8.6 and the Anaconda environment browser 
tells me it is 8.6.8.

Before releasing the PSF 3.6.8 Mac installer on python.org, Ned Deily experimented with different recent tcl/builds to pick the one that worked best. (I believe there are different builds with the designation 8.6.8). What he choose was not the most recent version available. One issue is that different builds worked best with the then new macOS version (Mohave?) and earlier versions. (You did not say which you are running.) I presume tkinter.Tk() ran on all versions he tested, as that is needed for any tkinter program.

If Anaconda installs any build of tcl/tk other than the one istalled by the 'official' installer, then they should deal with this issus.

You could try installing from the python.org installer and test again.

Terry Jan Reedy


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