MRAB於 2019年6月18日星期二 UTC+8上午10時08分23秒寫道:
> On 2019-06-18 02:39, wrote:
> > As many others had encountered, when I import the curses module under 
> > Windows, I got
> > 
> >      ImportError: No module named '_curses'
> > 
> > Search "curses" on the Pypi returns plenty of related packages. Which one 
> > should I use? Is this package still valid on usage? Any comment will be 
> > appreciated.
> > 
> I'd probably go for "windows-curses". Seems to install OK.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I got the following error:

c:\Works\Python34>pip install windows-curses
DEPRECATION: Python 3.4 support has been deprecated. pip 19.1 will be the last 
one supporting it. Please upgrade your Python as Python 3.4 w
on't be maintained after March 2019 (cf PEP 429).
Collecting windows-curses
  ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement windows-curses 
(from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for windows-curses

What to do?

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