> To get the individual lines you have to yield them
>           for line in lines_gen:
>               yield line
> This can be rewritten with some syntactic sugar as
>           yield from lines_gen
> > for line in getWord(fileName, 5):
> >     with open(dumpName, 'a') as f:
> >         f.write(line)
> Note that getWord as written does not close the infile when you break out of 
> the loop, e. g.
> for line in getWord(filename, 5):
>     break
> To avoid that you can use a context manager:
> from itertools import islice
> from contextlib import contextmanager
> infile = ...
> outfile = ...
> @contextmanager
> def head(infile, numlines):
>     with open(infile) as f:
>         yield islice(f, numlines)
> with open(outfile, "w") as f:
>     with head(infile, 5) as lines:
>         f.writelines(lines)

Thank You Peter great advice as always.


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