On 01/07/2019 17:23, josé mariano wrote:
> Dear All,
> Thank you very much for your valuable input.
> Thanks Alan for your kind words. I'm not Spanish, I'm Portuguese, but I know 
> what you mean.
> Thomas, I was able to track down the author but he is not willing to release 
> the source code. The executable is free but apparently the source is not. 
> From your comments I came up with this general configuration for the new 
> software. Please tell me what you think.
> The new software would use a settings files in one "standard" format. I like 
> INI. It's note very powerful, but is easy to read and enough for the matter 
> at hand. I could then use configparser to parse the settings to the main 
> module. One separate module would convert the original format into the new 
> one. 
> The same for the script files. The new format would be plain python, in one 
> separated file, that could be imported into the main file. A separated module 
> would convert the old script format to the new one (python).
> Both modules could be run explicitly or the main software would take as input 
> the original files and run the conversion modules.
> In this way, old users could use their existing scripts and settings files 
> and new users that are willing to learn some basic python could use the new 
> format.
> So, besides the new software, i would need to write one module to convert the 
> settings from the old format to the new one, maybe using the ideas of Thomas, 
> and another module to convert the sripts.
> Is this a good approach. You comment are  very welcome. 

Sounds reasonable to me. Personally I prefer YAML (parsed e.g. with the
ruamel.yaml module) to INI because it's more flexible: you get (deeper)
nesting and data types (i.e. numbers and strings are different) - but
configparser is a fine module to use for config files. Some people like
using Python modules as config files.

Obviously, as Cameron points out, using Python instead of a custom
scripting language has security implications, that go with the increased
power that the user has. However, in a laboratory setting, where the
users are scientists who have physical access to the machine anyway, I
really don't think this is a concern. And the added flexibility may be
worth a lot down the line!

(I would say that though, as I suggested it)

Don't forget that many scientists frequently use Python anyway.

- Thomas

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