Wing Python IDE 7.0.4 has been released. Some of the highlights of this release include:

    Fix debugging notebooks with newer Jupyter versions
    Fix setting up a Django project with the default Python Executable
    Don't lose retained Debug I/O buffers after 60 seconds
    Avoid several incorrect code warnings
    Fix refactoring or finding points of use in code that has type hints
    Fix Move Program Counter in remote files
Fix remote searching and Find Uses to include files that are not open in the editor Avoid displaying spurious Disk File is Newer dialogs when saving remote files
    Fix comparing two directories
    Avoid hanging up in file comparisons with large difference blocks
    Fix several problems in the extension scripting API
    Fix many other bugs

You can obtain this release with Check for Updates in Wing 7's Help menu or download it now:

**New in Wing 7**

Wing 7 introduces an improved code warnings and code quality inspection system that includes built-in error detection and tight integration with Pylint, pep8, and mypy. This release also adds a new data frame and array viewer, a MATLAB keyboard personality, easy inline debug data display with Shift-Space, improved stack data display, support for PEP 3134 chained exceptions, callouts for search and other code navigation features, four new color palettes, improved bookmarking, a high-level configuration menu, magnified presentation mode, a new update manager, stepping over import internals, simplified remote agent installation, and much more.

For details see What's New in Wing 7:

**Try Wing 7 Now!**

Wing 7 is a an exciting new step for Wingware's Python IDE product line. Find out how Wing 7 can turbocharge your Python development by trying it today.

Download Wing 7.0.4:

Wing 7 installs side by side with earlier versions of Wing, so there is no need to remove old versions in order to try it. Wing 7 will read and convert your old preferences, settings, and projects. Projects should be saved to a new name since earlier versions of Wing cannot read Wing 7 projects.

See Upgrading for details and Migrating from Older Versions for a list of compatibility notes.


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