On 2019-07-20 14:11:44 -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
> So, no, do NOT encode the hard location - ever.  Always use env to
> discover the one that the user has specified.  The only exception is
> /bin/sh which - for a variety of reasons - can reliably counted upon.
> We don't need to bikeshed this.  All we need is people who disagree
> with this view to spend a year in software packaging, operations,
> deployment and DevOps ... then get back to us...

After 25 years in software packaging, operations, deployment and DevOps
I disagree: A program should not behave differently because of a
different path, #!/usr/bin/env is a total no-no.

There is a nice way to achieve this: Just use the interpreter of the
virtual environment in the shebang.
(That requires rewriting the shebang during installation, but that's a
minor inconvenience)


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