I didn't get a response to this before, possibly because of lack of concision. I'd like to ask whether (provided I'm understanding this):


could be improved by adding:
  Create a TCP echo server using the loop.create_server() method, send
  back received data.  This is done by defining the Protocol, which gets
  the transport from the server when it is created by asyncio.
before it, because these concepts have only just been introduced, and also whether the echo server should really be closing the connection, given RFC 862 seems to suggest it should stay open.

Original message below.

Thank you,


I'm trying to get my head around asyncio, and I think I'm mostly there now, (but expect to be proved wrong :-)!). It appears to be about the newest of the PEPs according to my searches, including PEP 0, so I don't expect a huge amount of supporting documentation out there yet.

Looking at:


I know the page introduces the relationships between protocols, transports and the servers/clients that use them. When I read this code it took me longer than I would wish :-) to realise that the example defining the Echo server was doing this through the protocol, (yes, it says it *right there* :-)!) and not a Server class, so for some time I was puzzled about where 'transport' was being defined. Given these concepts are new on this page, at least ostensibly, would it make sense to introduce this example with something like:

  Create a TCP echo server using the loop.create_server() method, send
  back received data.  This is done by defining the Protocol, which gets
  the transport from the server when it is created by asyncio.

just to refresh the connection between the things in the mind of the reader?

Also, according to my reading of RFC 862, I don't think the Echo server should be closing the connection just after echoing:

TCP Based Echo Service

   One echo service is defined as a connection based application on TCP.
   A server listens for TCP connections on TCP port 7.  Once a
   connection is established any data received is sent back.  This
   continues until the calling user terminates the connection.


I could have missed something here though. (If it is this protocol that
is under discussion here, then a link might be useful, as well?)

Why does this matter? Because it was not clear to me whether the closing of the connection was something that had to happen, as part of the functionality of the echo service or of asyncio itself. If I'm implementing something that does something based on the cmd or cmd2 module, interpreting commands, then having some kind of dialogue with the server matters.

Writing documentation so that everyone will understand it and NOT get the wrong end of the stick is difficult. I don't know if this would make things more confusing for others, or even if it might have helped me. At the moment, I think it might be in the right direction, though.

Thank you,


Dr. Hugh Sasse, BSc(Hons), PhD
Computer Systems Electronic Engineer
School of Engineering and Sustainable Development


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