On 10/08/2019 10:45, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
On 2019-08-10 09:10:12 +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 09Aug2019 22:28, Paul St George <em...@paulstgeorge.com> wrote:
On 09/08/2019 16:29, Rhodri James wrote:
(Actually I would probably use outstream.write() and do my own
formatting, but let's not get side-tracked ;-)

I would love to hear your outstream.write() side-track!

I am not Rhodri James, but you can just write strings to text files:

  outstream.write("X: ")  # note, includes the space separator

You can also format the string before passing it to write (which is
probably what Rhodri meant by "do my own formatting", like this:

     outstream.write("X: %7.2f\n" % thing[0])

or this

     outstream.write("X: {0:7.2f}\n".format(thing[0]))

or (since Python 3.6) this:

     outstream.write(f"X: {thing[0]:7.2f}\n")

There are of course many variants to all three methods.

That is indeed what I meant. I do enough random dumping of things to files for debugging purposes that outstream.write() is second nature to me now. I once even went as far as sys.stdout.write() before sanity caught up with me ;-)

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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