Have you tried asking on a blender user mailing list for help with this problem?

It seems that someone familiar with blender and its python interface should be 
able to help get you going.


> On 24 Aug 2019, at 20:52, Paul St George <em...@paulstgeorge.com> wrote:
>> On 24/08/2019 01:23, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>> On 23Aug2019 13:49, Paul St George <em...@paulstgeorge.com> wrote:
>>> Context:
>>> I am using Python to interrogate the value of some thing in Blender (just 
>>> as someone else might want to use Python to look at an email in a Mail 
>>> program or an image in Photoshop).
>>> Assumptions:
>>> So, I want to look at the attribute of an instance of a class called 
>>> CompositorNodeMapValue. The code in the Python tutorial seems to be for 
>>> creating an instance of a class, but I assume Blender (in my case) has 
>>> already created the instance that I want to interrogate.
>> That would be the expectation. And to interrogate it, you need that instance 
>> to hand in a variable.
>>> Question:
>>> If this is so, should I find the code to get a list of the instances that 
>>> have been made (maybe using inspect?) and then, when I have its name, the 
>>> attributes of the one that interests me?
>> Have you not got one of these handed to you from something?
>> Or are you right at the outside with some "opaque" blender handle or 
>> something? (Disclaimer: I've never used Blender.)
> Thank you once again.
> If I understand your question, I am right outside. By this I mean I have not 
> created anything with Python. I have made the Blender model with the UI and 
> am trying to use Python to read the values for the settings used. This has 
> worked for all settings except this Map Value Node.
>> You can inspect objects with the inspect module. You can also be more 
>> direct. Given an object "o", you can do an assortment of things:
> Before I do any of the following, I assume I need to use something like:
> import struct
> class CompositorNodeMapValue(o):
> I have tried this. Nothing happens. Not even an error. It's like waiting for 
> Godot.
> I am guessing I am in the wrong namespace.
> I don't know whether it is relevant, but I tried plain
> dir()
> and
> dir(struct)
> They each returned a list and neither list had mention of 
> CompositorNodeMapValue
> If I do something like:
> o = CompositorNodeMapValue()
> I get:
> NameError: name 'CompositorNodeMapValue' is not defined
>> dir(o) gets a list of its attribute names.
>> help(o) prints out the docstring, somewhat rendered.
>> o.__dict__ is usually a dict mapping attribute names to their values.
>> type(o) gets you its type, so "print(type(o))" or "print(type(o).__name__)" 
>> can be handy.
>> A crude probe function (untested):
>>  def probe(o):
>>    print(o)
>>    for attr, value in sorted(o.__dict__.items()):
>>      print(" ", attr, type(value).__name__, value)
>> Enjoy,
>> Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> (formerly c...@zip.com.au)
>> "Are we alpinists, or are we tourists" followed by "tourists! tourists!"
>>        - Kobus Barnard <ko...@cs.sfu.ca> in rec.climbing,
>>          on things he's heard firsthand
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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