On 2019-09-06 18:11, Spencer Du wrote:

I want to print yes in gui.py but it does not get printed because of the json. 
How do I fix this. Execute embedded.py and then gui.py to test.

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
        print("message recieved= " + msg.payload.decode())
        # print("File which you want to import(with .py extension)")
        print("message topic=", msg.topic)
        print("message qos=", msg.qos)
        print("message retain flag=", msg.retain)
>    if msg.payload[name] == "Hello world!":
>            print("Yes!")
What is the value of the variable called 'name'? Or did you intend that to be a string?

        if msg.payload["name"] == "Hello world!":

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