On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 9:01 PM Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/21/19 12:51 PM, Dave Martin wrote:
> > You seem to have the expectation that you know more about coding than
> > me and that you can insult me without me retaliating. If I were you,
> > I would leave this forum and never respond to another person question
> > again, if you think that you can rudely ransack your way through what
> > is supposed to be a helpful tool.
> Not so. He was not rude nor was he insulting.  In fact he was downright
> patient. You've been asked several times to read the tutorial (or
> relevant parts of it) as that teaches you some things you have to know
> in order to use Python.  I'm sorry that rather than do that you chose to
> react poorly to the good advice you were given.

Thank you very much Michael and Chris!  That was very kind of you.

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