On 25/09/2019 18:00, lain.mailinglist via Python-list wrote:

On 25/09/2019 12:04, Ulrich Goebel wrote:

what I want:
I want a function which converts a markdown-formatted string to a
latex-formatted string


I have a extern tool pandoc which does exactly what I want, but it
works on files. This tool is able to work as a pipe, so it uses
the standard input and standard outpu.
What I could do:
def markdown_to_latex (m : string)
     write the string m to a file
     call pandoc to work on that file
     read the outputfile into the string l
     return (l)
What would be nice:
I would like to avoid the extra steps writing an reading extern files.

subprocess is your friend here. Something like:
[snip myself]

You can also use the io.StringIO class of the stdlib, which is more suitable 
for this use case.

Not for running external tools, surely?

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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