On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 3:16 AM Veek M <v...@dont-use-this.com> wrote:
> sez it all really, among the Finished PEPs, which ones should I pore
> through to teach Python competently!
> What PEPs are considered de rigueur? What PEPs do you guys consider note-
> worthy?
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/

That's a really awesome question! I would say that there are none that
are absolutely essential, but quite a few that could be of interest.

Famous PEPs: PEP 8 (style guide, often misunderstood), PEP 1 (info
about PEPs themselves), PEP 20 (import this), PEP 393

Funny PEPs: PEP 404, PEP 628, PEP 313, PEP 666

Controversial PEPs: PEP 308, PEP 465 (kinda - it represents the
culmination of a lot of years of discussion), PEP 479, PEP 498

PEPs that result in no changes: PEP 3099, PEP 240, PEPs 276 and 284, PEP 3142

This is from a bit of brainstorming, plus flipping through PEP 0 (the
index of all PEPs) and recollecting or recognizing which ones keep
getting referenced.

I'm curious to see which PEPs get other people's recommendation. What
are the glaringly obvious omissions from my collection?


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