On 2019-11-05, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/4/19 4:11 PM, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
>> Is there some python libary for edit iso file drectly?
> Isn't an ISO image a read-only sort of thing?


> If you want to modify files don't you have to create a whole new
> image?


"Edit an ISO image" comprises the following steps.

 1. Mount the ISO image[*].

 2. Copy the tree of files to a read-write filesystem.

 3. Change the files in the read-write filesystem.

 4. Create a new ISO image from the read-write filesystem.

[*] IIRC, there are utilities that allow you to combine steps 1-2 into
    a single step: "Extract files from ISO image into a read-write
    filesystem".  But, I can't ever remember how to do that, so I
    just do the two steps.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I invented skydiving
                                  at               in 1989!


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