On 07Nov2019 22:20, Vitaly Potyarkin <sio....@gmail.com> wrote:
What do you think of using Makefiles for automating common chores in
Python projects? Like linting, type checking and testing?

I do use one for some things. (Not linting, which I'll describe lower down.)

I do like to use it for what make's strength is: running actions based on updated files, but there are a few "action" targets too.

Here's a slightly edited and trimmed excerpt from a Makefile (well, Mykefile, but the intent and syntax are very similar) from a current project:

   venv_dir = $./venv
   venv_reqs = requirements.txt
   venv_pip = $(venv_dir)/bin/pip

   py_static_bundle = $(py_app)/static/app.js

   fleet_dev = [ "$$HOST" = fleet -a "$$USER" = cameron ]

           @echo '_build: make $(py_static_bundle)'
           @echo '_deploy_tip: formally deploy the current tip to the dev host 
dev tree:'
           @echo '_sync_dev: rsync the current working files into the dev tip 

           make $(py_static_bundle)

           :make $(venv_dir)

   $(venv_dir):    $(venv_reqs)
           python3 -m venv $(venv_dir)
           $(venv_pip) install -U pip
           $(venv_pip) install -U -r $(venv_reqs)

   $(py_static_bundle): $(app_js)
           env-dev browserify -t [ babelify --presets [ react ] ] $? >$@

           $(fleet_dev) || { echo "not cameron@fleet, refusing to rsync" >&2; 
exit 1; }
           :make $(py_static_bundle)

Things to note:

"Virtual targets" are actions rather than result files, and start with an underscore.

The default target is _help, which recites a description of the other targets.

The _venv target makes the venv directory if missing, and that runs python3 -m venv and then pip to do the required packages.

There's a traditional make rule i.e. an action based on a dependent file, gosh! for the static bundle (javascript compiled into a single file).

You'll see that _sync_dev has a leading sanity check: it won't run unless I'm me on my personal machine; avoids accidents. This is important because it isn't running the formal deploy script, which builds a clean versioned tree at the far end, instead it just rsyncs my local code into a "live" dev tree at the far end. Obviously that is a very personal hack.

I've come up with a reusable Makefile for automating virtual environment
management in Python projects. I think it can be useful for simplifying
the onboarding of new developers (both new to project and new to Python)
and for documenting project's development practices.

These are laudable goals. I like the expose the dev practices in particular.

Here it is:
- Repo: https://github.com/sio/Makefile.venv
- Demo screencast: https://asciinema.org/a/279646

What do you think? Is this useful or I'm just unaware of some tool that
abstracts venv chores away better?

There may be other tools.

Linting can be personal. In my current team we have varying lint habits among the devs. OTOH a common "required lint before release" could be useful, covering off the project lint standards if they exist.

I lint by hand, with 2 main levels of automation:

1: I have a personal "lint" script with runs my preferred linters with my preferred options, so I can just say "lint filenames..." and have it do the right thing. It is also multilanguage: python linters, shell linters, etc.

2: I have a few VCS related shell functions. One is named "lint". With arguments is invokes the above lint script directly. _Without_ arguments it lints the "modified" (== changed and not committed) files. So I can just say "lint" and it lints my changes, not all the files.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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