On 11/14/19 12:34 PM, R.Wieser wrote:

The R-Pi has never, to my knowledge, been billed as suitable
for industrial/real-time/process-control...

I have not read those specs to be honest.   But for some reason I assumed
that a 1.4 GHz machine should easily be able to generate a 1.6 KHz signal,
even using Python.   I was wrong. It can, but just barily and not without
jitter and hickups.  Lesson learned.

Rudy Wieser

The machine itself would be fine. But between Python and Linux (probably the bigger culprit), there are lots of things that aren't interested in your deterministicity.

Just run it bare-metal; I'm sure that's straightforward on an rPi and has no gotchas or complications that would lead to days/weeks of frustration.

On an actually practical note; ever since they started baking the quasi-realtime stuff into the Linux kernel, you've been able to use the whole sched_setscheduler(2) family of calls (from C) to set a process's real-time priority. That might get things good enough to do the job, though how one gets there from Python I couldn't tell you. Naïvely I'd say to just use ctypes to wrap those calls, but that's some low-level stuff to be getting into from a very high-level language. Might work?

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com
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