On 12/1/19 12:26 AM, Peter Otten wrote:
Tim Johnson wrote:

Using linux ubuntu 16.04 with bash shell.
Am retired python programmer, but not terribly current.
I have moderate bash experience.

When trying to install pgadmin4 via apt I get the following error
traceback when pgadmin4 is invoked:

Traceback (most recent call last):
snipped ...
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/cli.py", line 25, in
import click
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'click'

If I invoke python3 (/usr/local/bin/python3), version 3.7.2 and invoke
  >>> import click
click is imported successfully.
I'm too lazy to look into the details of your paths -- I'd just make sure
that click is installed with the same interpreter and user as pgadmin4, e.
g. globally

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install click
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/python3 path/to/setup.py install  # or whatever it
takes to install pgadmin4
Like I said, I'm not current. Yikes. Now I have /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/clic-0.1.3.dist-info/

After I have my coffee I will attempt to proceed from there with whatever it takes to finalize




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