Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v3.14 available
from http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/.

Changes since the last release include:

- improved integration between Qt's ActiveQt framework and Python's win32com
- support for QScintilla v1.6
- support for Python's cyclic garbage collector.

PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Python programming language 
and supports the same platforms as Qt.  Like Qt, PyQt is available under the 
GPL (for UNIX, Linux and MacOS/X), a commercial license (for Windows, UNIX, 
Linux and MacOS/X) and a free educational license (for Windows).

PyQt is implemented as a set of 9 extension modules containing 300 classes and 
over 5,750 functions and methods.

PyQt also includes bindings to QScintilla, the port to Qt of the Scintilla 
editor component.

PyQt can be used either as a rapid prototyping tool, or as an alternative to 
C++ for developing large Qt applications.

PyQt includes the pyuic utility which generates Python code to implement user 
interfaces created with Qt Designer in the same way that the uic utility 
generates C++ code.

Third party tools are also available - such as eric3, a comprehensive IDE 
(including an editor, debugger, class browser, integration with Qt Designer, 
re-factoring tools, unit testing tools and integration with source code 
control systems).  eric3 is written entirely using PyQt and is available from 

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