On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 4:41 PM songbird <songb...@anthive.com> wrote:
> Chris Angelico wrote:
> ...
> > What if neither works, because there are assumptions that don't work?
>   then you get stuck doing it by hand, but you would have
> been stuck doing it before for sure by hand so if you can
> write something which might get some of the easy cases
> done then at least you're saving your efforts for the
> harder stuff.

The easy cases are easy for anything, and don't need AI.

> > I get the very strong impression that you've never tried this.
>   of course not!  i don't have that kind of pipeline
> or machine power and i'm several years away from being
> where i'd like to be in terms of understanding the
> language itself.  i hope to have the time over the
> next few years to learn enough but i don't know how
> that will go.
>   i'm glad in looking around more the past few evenings
> that the conversion effort is making progress and
> things are not as dire as some have made it out to be.
> i just hope the lessons have been learned going
> forwards.

Never even done it manually, I mean. It's very difficult to try to
design an AI to do something that you can't do yourself and don't even
understand the problem.


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