Paul Rubin wrote:

>Jeremy Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>to pass data around between processes.  Or an idea I've been tinkering
>>with lately is to use a BSD DB between processes as a queue just like
>>Queue.Queue in the standard library does between threads.  Or you
>>could use Pyro between processes.  Or CORBA.
>I think that doesn't count as using a the multiple processors; it's
>just multiple programs that could be on separate boxes.
>Multiprocessing means shared memory.
I disagree.  My (very general) recommendation implies multiple 
processes, very likely multiple instances (on the consumer side) of the 
same "program".  The OP wanted to know how to get Python to "take 
advantage of the dual processors."  My recommendation does that.  Not in 
the sense of a single process fully exercising multiple CPUs, but it's 
an option, nonetheless.  So, in that respect, your initial "no" was 
correct.  But,

>This module might be of interest:
Yeah - that came to mind.  Never used it.  I need to take a peek at 
that.  This module keeps popping up in discussions like this one.


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