On Tuesday, 24 December 2019, Tim Daneliuk <i...@tundraware.com> wrote:

> If I do this:
>     foo = [ "bar", "baz" "slop", "crud" ]
> Python silently accepts that and makes the middle term "bazslop".

Strings concatinate over line endings so this case is only sensible really.

> BUT, if I do this:
>     foo = [ "bar", "baz" 1, "crud" ]
> or this:
>     foo = [ "bar", 2 1, "crud" ]
> The interpreter throws a syntax error.
> This is more of an intellectual curiosity than anything else, but why do
> strings silently
> concatenate like that, while all other case blow up with an error.  i.e.,
> What is about
> the language the promotes this behavior.  At first blush, it seems
> inconsistent, but what
> do I know ...
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Independent Software Engineer and amateur Computer Scientist

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