sorry re posting because I forgot subject line in last email.

I am a python noob. This is why I ask the python masters. There is a
python software I want to install on the server it is called Electrumx. is the link. I am having troubles
with installing this.
The short version is I am wanting to build this python application and
needed dependencies from source code all from a local directory without
relying on the python pip package servers. I only run software I can
compile from source code because this is the only way to trust open source
software. I also want to archive the software I use and be able to install
it on systems in a grid down situation without relying on other servers
such as python package servers.

 Here is a snippet from that
describes what I am trying to do

1. I need a way I can download the source of ElectrumX and the dependency
2. In a way that also verifies the integrity of those downloads. I dont
think many of these
python packages are even signed.
3. Then to be able to build ElectrumX and the needed dependencies from
source on a computer
that does not have connection to internet. Node2.0 does not connect to
internet except for
the Tor process. Torsocks is not an option here.
I will be running ElectrumX and the python dependencies in a venv virtual
If I cannot build ElectrumX and the dependencies for it from source in a
way that also verifies
the integrity of the downloads then for security reasons I will not run
it. If someone has a
solution to this I will then run ElectrumX, and give you credit for the help.
If you need me to pay bounty for this please reach out to me to negotiate
on a price.

Python might be easy to code but simplicity of coding comes at the cost of
complexity of the software. With C++ I usually only have only a few
dependencies. With python it seems like it is almost 20 dependencies. With
Electrumx I counted at least 15 dependencies in the dependency tree. Is it
possible to download then build this from source with all needed

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