Fredrik Lundh wrote:

>Tim Churches wrote:
>>>>also, ahem, to certain aspects of the Python standard library.
>>>you've read the python style guide, I presume?
>>A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds.
>>    --often ascribed to Ralph Waldo Emerson but
>>      in fact due to[1] G. van Rossum and B Warsaw.
>>[1] The convention that quotes are ascribed to those who first used them
>>is, of course, a foolish consistency.
>in case you really got that backwards, I should probably point out that
>the style guide reference was in response to the "certain aspects of the
>python standard library" part of your post,  not the "emerson said this"
I was indulging in the leg pulling which your reply invited, Fred. I 
think we both agree that the minor inconsistencies in various aspects of 
the Python standard library are of no consequence to anyone except the 
pathologically pedantic.

Tim C


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