On 3/10/20 6:49 PM, Souvik Dutta wrote:
> What about moving on to a social media app completely made in pythoj for
> python?

No thanks. I don't want to be on yet another web forum.  I don't need
"social media" or a "social media app."  Email works exceedingly well
for this sort of thing, despite Google's antics.

Sadly a lot of open source projects are abandoning the good old list and
moving to awkward web forums like Discourse.

With e-mail lists, everything is right here in my email client
(Thunderbird), separated out into folders with procmail (or whatever
filtering system you want), and with proper nesting of messages.  No web
forum I've seen offers this convenience or proper nesting.  Electronic
communication is fraught enough. "Social media" (whatever that means)
seems to just make it harder.

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