On 22/03/20 9:55 pm, Barry Scott wrote:
I guess you are using an old Mac that will not update to something newer?

It's more that I don't *want* to update to something newer if I
don't have to. Also it seems very un-python-like to depend on a
specific OS version like this, which leads me to believe that
something is wrong somewhere.

if your XCode is new enough you might be able to build it with

        export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13

Actually it seems to be more a matter of my XCode being *too*
new. I was using XCode 9, which turns out to contain an SDK
for 10.13. Which shouldn't matter, except that there seems to
be a bug in autoconf that makes it think some things are there
even though they're not:


That's talking about a slightly different scenario (building
with one version and running on an older version) but I think
I'm being bitten by the same underlying issue.

I'm going to try again with XCode 8, which purportedly comes
with a 10.12 SDK, and see if that fixes it.



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