On 2/04/20 7:15 AM, Honori R. Camacho wrote:
1.- Necesitamos ayuda. No podemos ejecutar Python 3.5.4 en windows 7, se
descargo la version Python 3.5.4 y se instalo correctamente.Y se
corrigieron los path.
Pero no permite ejecutar los .py ni los .pyw por acceso directo. gracias.


Python installs differently to other MS-Windows packages. We expect to use it from the Command Line, although some components may be available from the Windows-Menu (varies by version of MS-Windows).

You will find the primary installation advice at https://docs.python.org/3/using/index.html. However, there are some translations at https://wiki.python.org/moin/SpanishLanguage
Regards =dn

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