Are you doing it in tkinter? If so then close will be quit.

Souvik flutter dev

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020, 1:22 AM J Conrado <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a script that read a netcdf data. I enter with keiboard two
> values for latitude initial an final and same for longitude and I plot a
> map. I use the command plt.close(1) to kill the window. But, my window
> is not closed. This is a small par o my script:
> m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=loni, llcrnrlat=lati,
>                  urcrnrlon=lonf, urcrnrlat=latf,
>                  resolution='i', projection='merc',
>                  lon_0=dellon, lat_0=dellat)
> # can get the identical map this way (by specifying width and
> # height instead of lat/lon corners)
> # m = Basemap(width=894887,height=1116766,\
> # resolution='i',projection='tmerc',lon_0=-4.36,lat_0=54.7)
> m.drawcoastlines()
> m.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua')
> m.drawparallels(np.arange(lati, latf, 5.))
> m.drawmeridians(np.arange(loni, lonf, 5.))
> m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua')
> plt.title("RegiĆ£o a Ser Setorizada")
> plt,close(1)
> and to kil the window I have to click on the "X" in the top my window.
> What can I do to kil the window and plot other windows in squence.
> Thanks,
> Conrado
> --

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